5. Funny Cats & Silly Captions

Funny Cats & Silly Captions

Cat Games at the Crazy Cat Lady’s House!
The kitty who cleans his plate first gets to play with the ball all night long .
Okay, ready, set, GO!
Oh Kitty, How Does Your Garden Grow?
The very refined Ms. MJ Kitty stumbled upon the hidden pot plant in Mommy’s flower garden. Oh, what a wonderful day it is today. Ahhhhhhhhh….

“Is my time-out over yet?”

2-For-1 Deals!
“I ordered this “Swing Thing” on late night TV with your credit card since it was a 2-for-1. Did you get yours yet?”

“Hey, Stripe, check out the spots on the new kitty in Apt 101… Wowee!”

“Kitty Companions Bonnie & Clyde”Bonnie and Clyde celebrate their recent heist as they just knocked off some bits of ghouda cheese from a fruit plate at the brunch buffet. The feline crime duo have been residing at the Beverly Hills Hotel for several years, often rifling through guests’ bags at the pool and baggage check. Clyde’s already got a few hundred bucks stashed away for Bonnie and him to catch a bus to retire to Miami in 2015!

“Kitty Travel Log Day

“Today I climbed the Great Wall.”

New-Aged Step Class For Felines
A middle-aged feline “Catrina” is trying to keep up with the other younger cats (not shown in the photo) in this new-aged yoga step class for cats!
Hang in there, Catrina —
You can do it, girl!

String Theory
High on catnip but not entirely confused, little tabby cat is contemplating her next
exciting adventure: “String Theory!”

Good Morning
And then ‘lil kitty jumped on his head and did a little dance and split!

“Ready Freddy”
Ready Freddy” after an all-you-can eat turkey buffet at the local Home Buffet “Family Night Turkey Tuesday!

A New Way of Thinking…
“First I chew on the box, then I think about it!”

“I’ll do whatever you want… please just don’t tickle my belly!

Dinner Special
“Oh, spicy sushi. Yum!”

The Friskies Blimp was caught hovering over the Crazy Cat Lady’s backyard fishfry.

20130221-150711.jpgHalloween Hoax!
Jokester pals “Big Kitty” and “Lil Bunny” decided to pull a Halloween hoax on their friends for Halloween… Big Kitty gets to be a bunny for the day while Lil Bunny gets to be a kitten.

Caught Playing At The Piano
The extroverted and very talented “Mouser Cat” has another very rare talent… he can play Beethoven’s popular piano Moonlight Sonata…. with one paw!

Optical Hijinks:
Brother Whitey helps Blacky reach the top!

The Big Audition
Pretty little calico cat Samantha “Sam” already knows the Friskie’s Meow Meow song. Here she is auditioning for the new FOX TV reality show Cats with Superstar Talent!” with her rendition of “Jingle Cats.”

PThe Great Escape
After several months of planning and diligent preparation and coordination, two longtime occupants of the Crazy Cat Lady’s residence finally make their Great Escape!

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